Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Axiom--week 2

The Big Ask

Sheryll--If we don't ask, we are not hearing from God. Ephesians says our JOB is to arrange the saints for the work He has called them to. When we let fear stop us from reaching out to others and getting them connected serving the Church, we are blocking His plan. We suffer, they suffer, the Kingdom of God suffers. When we do reach out and ASK, we find our purpose and fulfillment and so do those we ask. It's so important to push past the fear, we all experience it to begin with, and ASK. And remember, if they say no, they are not rejecting you. Either you've asked and it is not something they feel gifted to do and in that case, ask again differently; or they are rejecting the gift God has placed on the inside of them. At the end of the day, it's our job to ask. What they do with it is up to them.

Tony--I really liked what Hybels pointed out about being honored when asked. That is true. If it is done correctly, we feel honored when someone trusts us enough to ask our participation in what they are pursuing. I think it is equally important to frame it in the right context as he pointed out. The first point he makes about making sure those we ask know our relationship is not affected by their response is good. Remove the pressure from those we ask, and do our very best to remove any manipulation. Asking is not easy, and I don’t think it gets easier even as we do it more. But the better we get at doing it, the more opportunities we will get to ask bigger. Jesus told us that when he said if we are faithful with the little things, we will get the opportunity to be faithful over big things. I want to change the world and that’s a big thing and will require extensive partnerships. That means I must be able to ask well in all the little things like “Will you help me with this team by handling these administrative tasks each week?”

Let's hear your comments. When you post one, take the time to send a tweet so we can all know to come here and check it out.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Language Matters

Good chapter to start a book on leadership axioms. As leaders, our tools are ideas and visions. We must learn to convey those ideas in ways that attract and empower the most people, whether I am trying to put together a softball team or a multi-national corporation. Sometimes I will be trying to explain something to Sheryll and I know she is not getting it because I can’t come up with the right words. I’ll jokingly say, “I understand what I am saying.” There’s our biggest task as leaders, taking the idea from our understanding and translating it in a way that will reach the biggest percentage of those listening. Right now, we are working on Dream Team 401 for our Growth Track. Team leaders are having it define their teams. If we define them effectively, we will empower more people to join our teams and find fulfillment in pursuing their God-given ministries. As a result, our church will be more effective and God’s dreams for West Georgia will move closer to reality. For instance, if I was a new member with computer skills but just felt drawn to the Prayer Team. I’m not comfortable with praying, but just seem to be attracted to that team. When Shonna takes the time to use language that clearly defines the tasks of her team she identifies an opportunity for someone to create powerpoint presentations for the Prayer Explosions. I see a place for me on the team, join, learn how to pray, and the world is changed. All because a leader took the time to use language to open a door as wide as possible.

I think an important point Hybels makes is the need to use our words to effectively lead others, even when challenging or correcting. Sometimes we shy away from this, but it is one of the most important things we can do for those we lead. We are not serving them when we watch them live below their potential. They have asked us to lead them when they join our teams. We are not being nice or doing them any favors when we refuse to lead them if it means challenging or correcting. They have placed their destiny, their gifts, in our hands. When we learn to effectively use life-giving language to challenge and correct, we are empowering those we lead to experience real satisfaction and fulfillment. When our leadership language helps others excel, it will affect every area of their life—from home to career to leisure. Let’s be leaders who craft our words to take others to higher levels. One of the greatest joys of leadership is seeing those you serve experience a richer and more satisfying life because you were not afraid to lead them.

Let's hear your comments.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hi everyone, Sheryll and I will be blogging each week especially for leaders. Our hope is this will prove an easy and beneficial way for you to hear our heart as together we lead the best church in the world. You don't have to comment on each blog, but we would love your to hear your thoughts and ideas each week as we discuss different aspects of being great servants who have been given an opportunity to lead. Starting next week, we will be discussing a chapter a week from Bill Hybels book "Axiom". If you don't have it yet, get a copy this week and let's read through it together. It is an easy read with some great leadership stuff in it. I encourage you to resist the temptation to read it all the way through and let's read it together one chapter a week and share our thoughts here. Also, if you have not registered for our leadership connect group that will meet on Sunday nights in June at 7 PM, we encourage you to do so. This will be a 4 week small group, with childcare provided, that will meet in the Cafe Seating Area for about an hour. We will be sharing what we believe to be the most important things we have learned about leadership. Hope to see you there and welcome to our blogosphere.