Monday, November 23, 2009

Axiom Chapter 19 & 20

Chapter 19—Institutionalize Key Values
This chapter emphasizes the need to make sure you are always communicating the values that make our church who we are. Life-giving, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, Team Ministry, Excellence, and Have Fun. Do we communicate them in our lives, our actions, they way we lead our teams, the way we do life? Do those we lead not only know these values, do they know we know them?
We also think the idea of tying Christ-like values to certain calendar days is brilliant. Let’s think of some ways to utilize this idea in our church.

Chapter 20—This Is Church
These are the moments we have to be on our toes to catch. These type moments are the reason we exist and the reason we do what we do. This is why it is so important to walk slowly through the crowd. Make real connections and stay real with people. Be the type of person that, no matter how busy or “big” you become, people feel comfortable coming to you with a request like the grandfather at the baptism. Bill Hybels is about as big as it gets in the church world, yet this chapter highlights his desire and ability to be touched and touchable.

Real ministry is the anti-thesis to the rock star mentality that permeates our culture. Real church is about transformed lives. It is about finding the wonder in each other. God did church on purpose—He wants us to find Him in the midst of each other. Ever find yourself getting tired of “church”? Hybels gives us a key to making sure that doesn’t happen—go find “church” in the lives of those we serve.


  1. Chapter 19 - This year I really like how we used the National Day of Service (9/11) and served our local service men and women. I think we can utilized Pastor Hybells concept here not only in Sunday Celebrations but throughout the weeks. Cool stuff.

    Chapter 20 - WOW! Boohoo..ugly cry going on when reading this chapter. These are the stories that touch me in such a way that keep me running with the Raw Barbarian Church Planter Mentality. The world needs the Church - no one else can touch and change someone's life like we have the honor of doing through the Holy Spirit's power. We get the honor of being a part of the legacy that truly changes the world.

  2. Easy

    Chapter 20- I have found this very truthful during many times in my life, the trip to Africa, the death of my dad, being there for a friend when they are in need. It is important to recognize those very important times. It is life changing for you and others. Way cool to be apart of God's plan!

  3. Chapter 19 - The values at CAML are what keeps us all on the same page. Many times I look at them and ask the question, Am I neglecting any of the values in my life or in ministry? It is the DNA that makes us flow as one.

    Chapter 20 - The greatest honor in life is being part of God's plan in reaching out to the Lost and Hurting. Seeing God take a broken life and make it whole again. People are the priority in life.

  4. Values are not just something you do they are what make you who you are. I like what Tony said about our values being the thing that units us. I believe real connection happens when our churche's values become a part of one’s everyday life. I’m also challenged to make sure the values that set us apart as CAML permeate the rest of my life.

    Moments like this are why we do what we do. People are what matter to God and they should be what always matter to us. I like to do things fast, sometimes too fast and this can cause me to miss opportunities like this. There is a huge since of fulfillment when you recognize and take the opportunity to have “church”. But it requires slowing down, listening and seeing what really matters.

  5. Chapter 19- I really liked thie chapter and it helped me focus in on not only do those I lead know the core values, but does every area of my life represent these values? Do I personally live the core values every day? I think that's what makes the difference. Also, I agree with Abi...I thought it was fantastic the way we used 9/11 as a service point for our core value of serving.
    Chapter 20- YES! YES! and...YES! Always remember that we are here as servants...not the other way around. I think the remedy for the rock star metality is humility and always being others-focused. That story was so touching and I pray that someday I will have the same story to tell. What better legacy can you leave than that you served three generations?
