Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chapter 17—Only God
This chapter does a great job of emphasizing our understanding that no matter how talented we think we are, how hard we think we are working, how smart we think we are, and how effectively our ideas are reaching our community, it is only God who makes it happen. What we do is important, and doing it in excellence is important. Doing it with a sold-out attitude of servanthood is important. But the most important fact to remember is that unless our God comes alongside us with His blessing, everything we do is in vain.

As long as we remember that without Him we can do nothing we will avoid the “rock-star” mentality of self-promotion that seems to be prevalent in our culture, even among Christians. Only God can save, heal, and deliver. Only God can take our music, our teaching, and our serving and use it to transform lives. There will always be people more talented than we are, smarter than we are, better speakers and musicians than we are—but when we give our best to our God for His purposes He will always amaze us with the results.
An “Only God” lifestyle will make sure you are always able to be blown away by our amazing God.

Chapter 18—Plus-side and Minus-side
Watch your reaction when you read this chapter. Don’t get defensive and reactionary. It is a challenging look at some practical issues that will help us not only in our church, but with our businesses and our households. Too often we fall into the trap of “doing our job” instead of “adding value.” We can do both—in fact, if we keep adding value at the forefront of our minds while doing our jobs, then our jobs will never become mundane or unfulfilling. Every task becomes an opportunity to be intentional, strategic, others-focused and Kingdom-minded (ISOK). So instead of an administrative task being something that just has to be done, we start to think like God thinks. Nothing He does is ordinary—no just get it done stuff. Everything means something and has a greater purpose.

Additionally, this chapter underscores the need to make sure, especially church staff members, that we are intentionally doing things to grow our church each day. We must build it into our daily calendar. One reason we do not have formal offices at CAML is we want staff members out in the community instead of sequestered in an office somewhere. Make it a habit to interact with your community every day. All of us--whether we are church staff, business owners, employees, or homemakers—are first and foremost ambassadors of Christ and His Kingdom. Keeping that mindset will make sure we are always Plus-side.


  1. Chapter 1: ONLY God - can bring us to over 700 people a week in attendance, only God could make it possible for over 70 people to be baptised this year. Only God could position us at Mirror Lake Elementary or with all of the businesses/churches to partner with us for the flood relief. Only God could position us in Arua, Uganda in a meeting about an unreached people group in the Congo. I'm super excited to see what else only GOD is going to do in the next five years.

    I think that as we keep the TEAM core value a central focus at CAML we will be able to stay away from the rockstar mentality. Focus on His mission, celebrate others and celebrate HIM.

    Chapter 2: This chapter spoke to me about increasing my prayer life more over the weekly tasks. When I'm designing, sending emails, marketing, creating, working with singers - that I ask for HIS divine favor to touch everything I put my hand to do.

  2. I agree Abs! While we were in Africa, God kept speaking to me about total dependance on Him. I was so struck by the YWAMers and their trust in Jesus. When they were trying to decide ho to reach that unreached people group in Isore, their first reaction was not to fall back on their gifts, knowledge or their own resources, but to seek God. It reminded me, as did both of these chapters, that God knows the plan and has the power to carry it out. Everything we do is significant, not because of us, but because we are His ambassadors. I think if we live every day with that intentional attitude of relying on God and representing Him, then we will automatically grow His Kingdom and Church.

  3. Ch1."Michael, it’s not all about you" is something I have heard God speak to me countless of times. Whether be a too much self confidence or not enough, it's so important to remember that we have nothing without Him. Our worth comes from who we belong to and our significance comes is a result of Him living through us. What a beautiful picture of grace.

    Ch2. Yep, how true is that? To God everything has a purpose. I'm challenged to be more intentional about the presence of God and His work in my everyday life. We have the promise that if we seek Him we will find Him. In the past I've claimed this promise on a need/want basis but how powerful it would be to find Him in every moment.

  4. The truth is when we began the building project last year I was fearful because I did not know how to build or finish out a sprung structure. Daily I had to look to God for help. I still face challenges and know I don't know what to do at times or how things will get done, but God is always faithful in bringing the right people at the right time. He is amazing.

    In chapter 18 I was reminded of the past when at another church we had too much staff that did not contribute to the health of the church finacially or personally. Many were hired because they were professional in their field which is needed at times, but too many had no heart for the people or the ministry. They did'nt even attend our church. It is important that every one on staff be a source of increase in ministry.

  5. I agree with what Abi said regarding prayer. Even while doing administrative duties it is important to be praying over them. God works through every task.
