Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hi everyone, Sheryll and I will be blogging each week especially for leaders. Our hope is this will prove an easy and beneficial way for you to hear our heart as together we lead the best church in the world. You don't have to comment on each blog, but we would love your to hear your thoughts and ideas each week as we discuss different aspects of being great servants who have been given an opportunity to lead. Starting next week, we will be discussing a chapter a week from Bill Hybels book "Axiom". If you don't have it yet, get a copy this week and let's read through it together. It is an easy read with some great leadership stuff in it. I encourage you to resist the temptation to read it all the way through and let's read it together one chapter a week and share our thoughts here. Also, if you have not registered for our leadership connect group that will meet on Sunday nights in June at 7 PM, we encourage you to do so. This will be a 4 week small group, with childcare provided, that will meet in the Cafe Seating Area for about an hour. We will be sharing what we believe to be the most important things we have learned about leadership. Hope to see you there and welcome to our blogosphere.


  1. Woo hoo! Got the book and am ready to go.

  2. Wow this is my first blog ever!
    I'll get the book with my book store gift certificate. Cannot download Villa Rica Sky for some tech reason . will try again.
    looking forward to the leadership classes.
    Just read who took my cheese. Alwys lokin for stuff to get better. well there it is my first blog. not too exciting guess it'll get better with time.
    Why do they call it a Blog?

    Good Bye

    May 14, 9:00pm

  3. I think this is a great idea! What a great way to stay connected.

    I will get the book in the next day or so, can't wait to start reading it.

  4. Going to get the book this weekend!
    I'm very excited!

  5. I am here. Ready, set, let's go! Can't wait to start our new read.

  6. I am excited about what God has in store for us!!!

  7. hey this kind of training is worth "GOLD".We lead in everyday life in one way are another whether you lead employees ,or family, or just yourself. I believe that in God's kingdom there is diversity in leadership. And the more we can learn how to effectively capitalize on those opportunities to influence the kingdom of God. then we disarmed the enemy and take away his influence. So let's get started!!!!!!

  8. I have read two other of Bill Hybels books and they are incredible. "Courageous Leadership" is a must read for leaders(I have not read Axiom) and "Just Walk Across the Room" is for anyone who has ever hesitated about talking to non-Christians about your faith. "Walk.." is also a great small group study for men or women (but maybe best for men, who for some reason tend to be more shy about sharing their faith) and comes complete with video and other materials. Hybels is a great communicator, teacher and an easy read, so you can't go wrong reading his stuff.

  9. I have the book and cd. Very good.

  10. Debbie and i ordered the book, can't wait to get started!!
